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Guides for a new future

Walking alongside people in their quests for more human organisations and communities, and impactful change

We’re often asked about coaching. We believe in an approach that’s a mix of coaching, peer mentoring and learning, with individuals and teams. Walking alongside people as they do their important change work, as guides rather than experts.

Our evolutionary purpose is to be guides for a new future, and this is one way we contribute to that purpose.

We know that the work of organisations, communities and systems in shifting to deeper collaboration and participation is challenging, and takes time. Mentoring and supporting people in these processes and practices is a key part of our work. At times we are engaged by those organisations or individuals grappling with complexity, conflict or some other emerging issue. Our approach is determined by the needs of and with the team or person.

Here are some diverse examples:

  • Coaching for the CEO of an NGO we were engaged with, alongside our work in engaging the whole organisation (paid and volunteer team members, Board members, emerging leaders and members) in strategic visioning and planning.

  • Coaching of teams in our Gather 'Round shared leadership program, supporting their collaborative practice in their communities

  • Coaching in graphic harvesting for a CSIRO scientist wanting to bring different engagement practices into her work.

  • Guiding the executive team of Ipswich City Council in designing and hosting participatory meetings, for the launch of the newly formed Community Reference Groups.

  • Coaching and co-design with the team from COTA Queensland (Council for the Aged) for an engagement process, developing capacity in the team as we worked together.

  • Supporting a mental health organisation through a recruitment process as they move towards self management.

  • Guiding a team from The Wilderness Society in their design and hosting for a major participatory member forum, and coaching in Generative Decision Making process. Follow up guidance for the National Campaign Director as they developed their Campaign Platform.

In the words of ...

The Wilderness Society (TWS) is a 40 year old not-for-profit environmental advocacy organisation. We have a strong focus on improving the way we deliver on our purpose, governance, and leadership.

We realised that our traditional ways of working together and making decisions were no longer serving us effectively and looked for other options. In 2017 a number of our staff attended Art of Hosting (AoH) 3 day training and came to meet Mel Geltch from Campfire Coop.

While we learnt an enormous amount through the workshop we knew it would be a challenge for us to deliver The Wilderness Society Inaugural 2017 Members Forum using the AoH principles and practices.  We also knew that if we didn't the forum wouldn't be the success we hoped it would be.

We approached Mel to work with our team of hosts in the lead up to the event to coach, mentor and guide us through the planning and design of the forum.  Mel also formed part of the forum hosting team.

The forum was possibly one of the most successful meetings in TWS history - certainly in my history with TWS. It invited participation, inspired and connected participants and the results are enduring to today.  Mel provided us with great insight, experience, and much needed encouragement throughout our preparation and at the event itself. Without her guidance we would not have achieved the level of success.

The AOH practices are now growing in application throughout our organisation thanks to the learning and experiences our team were able to garner from working with Mel. We have real and tangible evidence of the difference she has made to our organisation - the evolution in the way we work across the organisation is astounding.

Cherrie Wilson, Director of Business Services The Wilderness Society

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We proudly acknowledge First Nations people and their continuous care of and connection
to country, community and culture, and pay deep respect to all elders.

People together 
are stronger

2020 © Campfire Co-op Ltd  | Guides for a new future

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